As an organisation we are committed to a sustainable future, and to the promotion of sustainable practices in the television and film industries and we undertake what we do whilst employing environmentally-responsible practices in every reach of our business. All measures reasonably practicable will be carried out to minimise any negative impact on the local & global environment.

  1. There are several key areas that we encourage all of our staff to monitor and actively improve on:
  2. An increase in the use of recyclable & renewable materials
  3. A reduction in the consumption of raw materials, water & fossil fuels
  4. A reduction in the amount of waste produced
  5. A reduction in our company carbon footprint
  6. An awareness of the environmental impact of the company’s operation and activities


Think Green!

PRINT LESS! We operate an Opt In printing policy so think before you print.

BRING YOUR OWN – We encourage staff to bring their reusable bottle/cup/crockery to office and location.

THINK ABOUT TRANSPORT – If public transport is a viable option, please consider it. If not, think about car shares with the team or taxi firms who use hybrid cars. Please turn off vehicle engines when idle!

LESS MEETINGS – We favour phone/video meetings over physical meetings if transport is needed.

OFFICE – Heating and hot water systems are regularly serviced to ensure maximum efficiency


Where possible, we will use ethical and environmentally conscious suppliers.

ACCOMMODATION – We will seek out eco-conscious hotels as close by as possible.

TRANSPORT – We aim to only hire low emission vehicles, and will look for the greenest route possible.

REDUCE, REUSE, RECYLCE – Waste has a big impact, so we will recycle and reuse with the containers provided.

BUY LOCAL – We will be mindful of where we buy things, and source locally when we can, with as minimal packaging as we can find in order to support the local economy and reduce our carbon footprint.


Energy use is a big contributor to our carbon footprint so we want to reduce power usage as much as we can.

LOW ENERGY LIGHTS – We want to use as many low-energy and LED fixtures as we can, without compromising on the visuals.

RECHARGABLE BATTERIES – In the UK we only recycle 22% of all single use alkaline batteries so we encourage everyone to use rechargeable batteries.

EQUIPMENT – We will turn off all electrical equipment during filming and editing when not in use and overnight to reduce power usage.

HARD DRIVES – We maintains a stock of portable electronic hard-drives which removes the need for waste tape stock

DVD’s – We will avoid burning CD’s and send viewing links to be more sustainable.


A little personal effort can go a long way.

LESS WASTE – A water gallon will be provided in the office and reusable bottle and cups will be provided. Please be sure to use these both in the office and on location to reduce plastic waste

SINGLE USE PLASTIC – We will strive to reduce the amount of single used plastic used, and avoid any disposable food and drink containers that are not biodegradable. Crockery should be real and we will avoid use of single plastic.

VEGAN/VEGETARIAN DAYS – We will make an effort to have vegetarian days during production. Meat production has a large carbon footprint so veggie days will help to reduce this.


We will continue to:

  • operate, wherever possible, with service partners who adhere to green and carbon-neutral policies;
  • avoid excessive power usage;
  • seek new opportunities for improvement